Researchers at Schools

Ciência di Noz Manera – 3rd edition

In the 2023/2024 school year, we are working with two schools identified by the Portuguese government as Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP) – Dr. Azevedo Neves School, in Amadora, and Alto do Lumiar School, in Lisbon. This year’s target audience was again students from year 8.

Similar to the 2nd edition, the Ciência di Noz Manera (CNM) programme is organised in three phases:

  • Phase I – Seminars at Schools (1.30 hours): run by scientists from Champalimaud Foundation (CF) and Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM). Took place during the month of January and gathered enthusiasm from both students and teachers.
  • Phase II – Hands-on scientific workshops at the research institutes (3 hours): scientists organise hands-on experiments at their own institution. The workshops will happen in February.
  • Phase III – Mentoring Sessions at Schools: six sessions of 90 min each at school. Scientists hold mentoring sessions with a small group of students (four-five students per mentor), guiding them through the development of a project in an area of their interest. These sessions will take place during the months of April, May and June.

Here are a few highlights from Phase I:

For the first time, in this edition of the CNM, the participating schools visited two research centres — Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes and Champalimaud Foundation, on the 7th and 21st of February respectively. In total, there were 17 different activities developed by scientists on a variety of topics:

  • Muscle function
  • Vision
  • Model organisms: Drosophila and Zebrafish
  • Microscopy and optics
  • Brain
  • Augmented reality in medicine
  • Science and art
  • Evolution and development
  • Guided tours of the laboratories
  • Muscle function (repeated)
  • Blood
  • Malaria


The final phase of the programme – mentoring sessions – began on the 10th of April and will end on the 5th of June. Stay tuned to learn more about the impact of CNM on these students!

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